Oh, I love being young and single and independent! There is nothing like it.

I love to drive down the highway, hair flowing in the wind, belting at the top of lungs to the windshield before me.

I love to choose what I want to eat, when I want to eat it.

I love to stay up late and sleep in all day and stay in my pajamas as long as I can.

I love to watch what I want, read when I want, and talk on the phone as long and loud as I want.

I love being young and single and independent.

But it can be lonely.

The heart of the independent woman craves adventure and excitement. But as much as it's wonderful to be alone and on your own, it's hard to not share it with someone. And it's not even that she needs a man to share life with. A best friend will do just fine--even better sometimes!!

I love being young and single and independent.

But it can be frustrating.

The heart of the independent woman bursts with dreams. It pushes against the walls of the box the world tries to shove her in. It aches when a dream must be postponed or put aside because money must be made or lessons must be learned or the timing is just not right. And not that everything must be accomplished at once. But it would be nice to at least be working towards one or two.

I LOVE being young and single and independent.

It can be so fulfilling.

The heart of the independent woman has so much potential to love, to empathize, to soothe, and the inspire. She can dream wider and farther than anyone else because in her heart she has seen the world. She can find happiness and contentment in the smallest thing simply because it makes her smile. Nothing holds her back because her heart is always moving forward regardless of the world around her.

The heart of woman is always young and single and independent, regardless of her age, relationship status, or state of being, for the heart of woman has been made with special care and a great capacity for love, vision, and fortitude.

I love being a woman.