I cannot sleep. I get close to it and then I feel something brush against my leg...who knows what it is, the air probably, but it causes me to leap off the couch (because I cannot trust my bed right now) and do a crazy little dance that assures me I'm fine.

I know they are out there. They are laughing at me. They are holding meetings on how to best torture me and it is working.

I thought I was okay, ready to sleep in spite of the light being on, when there it was. And I thought it was a legitimate insect or mini crustacean...but I must have been mistaken since I saw nothing.

It was 5 a.m. and I couldn't take it anymore. I jumped in the shower to scrub away all the imaginary bugs. Terrified, I pictured the floor crawling with the evil things, not a clear patch for me to step on. I whipped open the shower curtain and they disappeared.

I think I'm going crazy. I'm sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket watching the Disney channel trying to fend off any invaders. The I one I want won't come---sleep. I need to sleep! But how can I when the second I enter the subconscious is the second I am overrun?

I have no idea what to do, either. I've thought about running to Wal-Mart to buy--I don't know what, but something to protect me and catch them. I've thought about going to the hospital and checking myself into the psych ward. I've thought about praying them away...but I can't close my eyes. I'm shaking I'm so paranoid!

I hate bugs. And I know I don't have it that bad. I'm in a house with only a few actually sighted bugs. It's all in my head.

Am I nuts?


Anonymous said...

Naomi! I was just thinking about you and saw this on your facebook.

You're not crazy. I'm terrified of them! My first day of school of freshmen year campus safety came. I had been screaming at the top of my lungs in my sleep because of spiders... now I can't even sleep in the same from with a spider if I see one. It's OKAY!

Miss your voice in Chapel Choir and <3 you!

Sarah Ashcroft

Anonymous said...

yes ur totally nuts lol ;)

andy said...

maybe the bugs are messengers from god, but you keep casting away his prophets.